Study finds change in California testing policy helped English learners in...
Removing services for high school students learning English may have harmful effects on test scores and graduation rates if done too quickly, according to a study conducted in Los Angeles. The...
View ArticleReport: California is 15th friendliest state for charter schools
As educators from around the state head to Long Beach next week for the 23rd annual California Charter Schools Conference, California is holding steady in its friendliness to charter schools, says a...
View ArticleData show 3 of the 5 biggest school districts hire more security officers...
(Photo credit: Getty Images) School security officers outnumber counselors in four out of the 10 largest public school districts in the country — including three of the top five — according to data...
View Article5 key lessons from the successes (and failures) of President Obama’s teacher...
(Photo credit: Getty Images) The passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act and the waning of the Obama administration bring to a close federal efforts to improve teacher evaluation — a practice once...
View ArticleThe research missing from the LA charter debate? 3 key studies show gains for...
In Los Angeles, a leaked draft of a plan to dramatically expand charter school access in America’s second-largest school district has become a lightning rod development for advocates of traditional...
View Article12th-graders’ federal tests scores dip in math and reading while more manage...
The nation’s 12th-grade students did slightly worse on national math and reading tests in 2015 than high school seniors did in 2013, according to National Assessment of Educational Progress results...
View ArticleThe 74 interview: Prof. Matt Delmont on how northern whites used busing to...
Arizona State University history professor Matt Delmont’s recent book, “Why Busing Failed,” challenges the conventional narrative around why school integration fell so short — that segregated...
View ArticleHow Gov. Brown fought the federal government on education policy — and won
This is the first in a three-part series examining California’s approach to education data and school accountability. Part Two explores how the elimination of certain data systems has limited...
View ArticleThe purge: California leaves researchers (and policymakers) in the dark by...
This is the second in a three-part series examining California’s approach to education data and school accountability. Part One looks at how the state’s skepticism of test-based accountability starts...
View ArticleCalifornia in the age of ESSA: Can schools be held accountable without real...
This is the last in a three-part series examining California’s approach to education data and school accountability. Part One surveyed how the state’s skepticism of test-based accountability starts at...
View ArticleExclusive: Amendment adds imaginary testing standard to Democratic education...
(Photo: C-SPAN) Democrats added a misleading reference to standardized tests to the party platform over the weekend, requiring they meet a reliability standard that doesn’t actually exist. “[W]e...
View ArticleFormer Superintendent John Deasy previews new initiative to rethink juvenile...
(Credit: Getty Images) See previous interviews by The 74: Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, U.S. Senator and Education Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, University of Michigan economist...
View ArticleStudy finds change in California testing policy helped English learners in...
Removing services for high school students learning English may have harmful effects on test scores and graduation rates if done too quickly, according to a study conducted in Los Angeles. The...
View ArticleThe certification maze: Why teachers who cross state lines can’t find their...
Kiersten Franz has a bachelor’s degree in math, a master’s in education, and several years’ teaching experience under her belt — excellent qualifications, presumably, for becoming a New York City high...
View ArticleWhere education research, politics and policy intersect: 3 states reveal how...
It’s a common refrain in education that research isn’t used wisely, or at all, to inform policy. As states have to redesign their accountability systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA),...
View ArticleThe power of one: New research shows black students see big benefits from a...
New research shows that years after having even one black teacher in elementary school, black students experience major benefits, from being less likely to drop out of high school to being more likely...
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